2024 Henry Awards Click Here for Nominations Ceremony July 29th


VENUES REOPENING – State Guidelines (updated by Colorado Government May 17th, 2021)



  • When more than 100 people are gathered in a room in a public indoor space, the venue may operate at 100% capacity not to exceed 500 people, with 6 feet of distancing required between parties of unvaccinated people or people whose vaccination status is unknown. Venues should use the Social Distancing Space Calculator to ensure distancing requirements can be met. Existing approved variances remain in effect, including 5 Star Program approvals granted by a county.  Venues may apply to their local public health agency for a variance to exceed 500 people, to be finally approved by CDPHE. These requirements do not apply to licensed retail food establishments.
    • These requirements do not apply to places of worship or licensed retail food establishments.
    • Some counties may have stricter capacity limits at the local level. Consult your local public health agency for more information about local regulations.
  • All indoor activities with more than 100 attendees should follow either seated or unseated guidance. If it isn’t clear which guidance is more applicable, use unseated guidance. A venue should follow the guidance that most closely fits. This means that the same physical space may follow different guidance for different uses or events.
  • An event is considered “seated” if the attendees have minimal movement, such as purchasing concessions or using the restroom facilities.
    • If an event with more than 100 attendees involves both a seated and unseated portion, it should calculate capacity for the unseated portion using the Social Distancing Space Calculator.
  • Seated activities with more than 100 attendees must ensure 6 feet of distance between parties from different households.
  • At a minimum, everyone at an unseated event with more than 100 attendees must be able to maintain 6 feet of distancing from all members of other households. Venues may calculate capacity using the Social Distancing Space Calculator.
  • Unseated activities increase the possibility of interaction among multiple people as they move around the space. The distancing calculator builds in additional distancing requirements to account for this movement.
  • Collect contact information of guests or attendees through tactics like taking reservations, requiring RSVPs, or having sign-in sheets, and times of arrival and departure to help with potential exposure notification whenever possible.
  • Provide generous and flexible cancellation policies so that if guests start experiencing symptoms, they can cancel.
  • Encourage 6 feet or more distancing between all employees, customers, contractors and visitors.
  • Create a queue at entrances that allows for 6 feet of physical distancing between individuals and pace entry to prevent congestion.
  • Operate on a one-in-one-out basis when at capacity.
  • Give reminders to observe 6 feet physical distancing before, during, and after events.
  • Post signage with easy to interpret graphics in commonly used languages reminding everyone to maintain 6 feet of distance, wear masks if unvaccinated, wash hands, etc.
  • Establish single-direction traffic flow in and out of venue and seating areas. Consider separate entrances and exits.
  • If the event is catered, do not allow for self-service stations or buffets.
  • Enhance cleaning and disinfection of common touch points (doors, stairwell handles, light switch, elevator switch, etc.). (CDC cleaning guidance)
  • Ensure ventilation at the venue is in line with or exceeds OSHA guidance.
  • Install touchless hand sanitizing stations at entrances and in high-traffic areas.
  • Deploy plexiglass barriers where appropriate.
  • Limit, wherever possible, the sharing of tools, equipment, or other shared resources (not involved in games or activities).
  • Booths or vendors at events should:
    • Allow spacing for vendor load-in and loadout such that vendors and staff can maintain a distance of at least 6 feet from each other as much as possible.
    • Add a minimum of 6 feet in between booths.
    • Create a single line of booths instead of double rows. If this is not possible, create at least a 16 feet thoroughfare between the two sides allowing for a single file, one-way path down the middle.  
    • Require vendors to have market booth layouts that promote social distancing. Provide them with the space to do this. 
    • Create one-way traffic flow through the booths to prevent crowding or mingling.
    • Use ropes, cones or tape to define the entrance, exit and flow.


  • Performances with vocal speech or singing, wind or brass instruments, or activities that cause heavy breathing should be 12 feet from patrons if the performer is wearing a mask.* If not wearing a mask, performers should be 25 feet from spectators. Unvaccinated performers are strongly recommended to wear masks. Venues may require performers to wear masks while performing. Performances with no forced exhalation as in the prior examples, like a piano, harp, or organ player, should be a minimum of 6 feet from patrons, but 12 feet is preferred.
  • Participants (e.g., players, performers, actors, competitors, entertainers, etc.) in events should have their symptoms checked, and participants who have been in close contact with an exposed or symptomatic person (within 6 feet for at least 10 minutes) should not participate and should self-quarantine, unless they have been fully vaccinated.
  • Adopt seating and spacing modifications to increase physical distance from a performer. 
  • Where necessary, install barriers to minimize travel of aerosolized particles from performers, or implement alternative placement of performers.
  • Maximize physical spacing between performers on-stage.
  • Performers should use a separate entrance/exit than patrons where possible.
  • Performers are not included in capacity limits or headcounts for events with over 100 attendees so long as they do not join the spectator/patron areas at any time. If performers join the patron spaces, they must be included in the capacity limit numbers.
  • Disinfect high-touch areas and equipment such as: microphones, instruments, props, etc… between uses.
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