Website Invictus Theatre Company of Denver
Invictus Theatre Company presents auditions for The Beauty Queen of Leenane by Martin McDonaugh. Performances take place at The People’s Building 9995 E Colfax Ave, Aurora CO
All roles are paid $30 a performance. We are an inclusive company and welcome all to audition.
Auditions are Saturday September 21st, starting at 11:00 am. Location is Ross-Cherry Creek Branch Library-305 Milwaukee Street 80206
Prepare a 1-2 minute contemporary monologue. You may be asked to cold read from sides. Please note that this play takes place in Northern Ireland, and accents will be required for the performances. The role of Mag has been cast.
Roles available:
Maureen Folan-female presenting, aged thirties to mid forties.
Pato Dooley-Male presenting late thirties early forties.
Ray Dolly-Male presenting, twenties
To apply for this job email your details to